Emma Cate Emma Cate

Pupils say the most wonderful things

During my time as a primary school teacher, I have had some wonderful interactions with children. From the sweet to the hilarious, children really do say the most wonderful things. Here are some of my experiences! 

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curriculum , EYFS Emma Cate curriculum , EYFS Emma Cate

Things EYFS Practitioners want you to know: Continuous Provision

Continuous provision is essentially all of the resources in the environment that have been provided by practitioners to extend the learning of the children in their care. Children are able to access these resources independently and safely, and use them to explore. They are chosen carefully and mindfully by the practitioner so that even in the absence of an adult the children are able to build upon learning.

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New job Emma Cate New job Emma Cate

Top tips when moving to a new school

Yesterday, I had my first inset day at my new school. It was a truly wonderful day and has put my mind at ease for September. However, many of you will be starting a new job in Autumn without having had that opportunity to ease in. With that in mind I thought it might be helpful to share some tips I’ve picked up for moving to a new school.

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