EYFS Emma Cate EYFS Emma Cate

Things EYFS Practitioners Want You To Know: Being Physical

An important part of the EYFS is purposeful play through physical means. Children are encouraged to be physically literate and should be encouraged to access situations where they are able to manage risk via energetic play. Instead of children recognising letters and sounds as they would in literacy terms; children instead build up a bank of movement. This starts first with learning simple actions which then progress into how those actions relate to each other leading to the creation of a vocabulary bank of movement and development of their own physicality.

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New job Emma Cate New job Emma Cate

Top tips when moving to a new school

Yesterday, I had my first inset day at my new school. It was a truly wonderful day and has put my mind at ease for September. However, many of you will be starting a new job in Autumn without having had that opportunity to ease in. With that in mind I thought it might be helpful to share some tips I’ve picked up for moving to a new school.

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