New job Emma Cate New job Emma Cate

Top tips when moving to a new school

Yesterday, I had my first inset day at my new school. It was a truly wonderful day and has put my mind at ease for September. However, many of you will be starting a new job in Autumn without having had that opportunity to ease in. With that in mind I thought it might be helpful to share some tips I’ve picked up for moving to a new school.

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Curriculum Emma Cate Curriculum Emma Cate

The importance of medium term planning

Planning backwards and sequencing should be paramount. Teachers should have a firm knowledge in knowing how things fit together. These need to be the fundamental building blocks. Planning a one off, individual lesson in detail with no idea how it fits into wider learning won't help the children. It might be a great lesson but with no understanding of how children learn and how learning will be embedded it's all for nothing.

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